Pneumadiluvians Chapter 1

Well it really happened. Here's the proof. I wasn't quite sure what to expect for sales, so I was happy when things started taking good turns.

Quick Stats after 3 Days on the Market (though I think one of the sales was from today so it may be off): Sales - 2 Promos - 159 Promos - 28 Sales - 1 Promos - 6 - 0 Promos - 1 Promos - 2

That means... a total of 199 Units moved! Come on! We couldn't get one more book to move! Oh well, I'm happy with 199 Units moving off of the digital shelf, especially considering that my marketing entailed only my Facebook and Twitter friends. I know some friends definitely helped me push some units too, thanks guys~

The Good News:
Reached #50 on Free Science Fiction Adventure Bestseller List
Reached #57 on Free Science Fiction Bestseller List
Reached #1,4-- on Free Bestseller List
Sales/Promos in all Markets except France
Only positive reviews from those who have finished it so far
People have said they like the cover art (which I'm still on the fence about)
I've found some bumps in the KDP process and hopefully I can avoid those next month so I can have a timely release and timely sales

Where do I go from here?
First and foremost, I have to remember to keep working on the story. It'd be easy to get wrapped up in the sales and marketing and forget that I have to do this all again next month!

I'd like to get some Reviews on Amazon, but I guess I'll just wait to see what people have to say.

I need a larger audience, so I'll have to start networking. I'm toying with doing some physical prints and hitting the streets, we'll see. I hope to maybe do some interviews or have some reviews published on various sites, though I've only found one or two so far (most sites ignore the self-published market, but we'll show them).

I'd love feedback on the book and to hear anyone's thoughts on anything. The good thing about this serial novel thing is that I can change the story at any time before a release, hopefully its better for that, but who knows.

Thanks to EVERYONE who downloaded a copy and pushed me up on the Bestselling lists, thereby moving even more units!

Twitter: @pneumadiluvians
