Writing about Writing

Every time I write one of these I have to apologize for how long its been since I've written one of these. For me, it comes down to writing stories or writing about writing stories... and thus I write few blogs. But I know that from a reader's outside perspective it would appear that I've fallen off the face of the Earth and have given up on writing completely if it's been too long between posts. So here I am, writing about writing.

Status updates!
Volume 2:
-Chapters 7-12 are being proofed and prepped to be collected into Volume 2 for digital and print
-Volume 2 cover is in production
-Epilogue needs written

Volume 3:
-Chapters 13-18 are  having their first draft written

Volume 2 I hope to have digital/print published this summer. The Epilogue and cover are the only items in need of "new" work. Everything else is proofing and proofing and proofing, which just takes time.

Chapters 13-18/Arc 3/Volume 3 I hope to have ready for a September 2015 release, but I can't promise anything. If Volume 2 was ready to go I'd feel better about this goal but Volume 2 will be a time sink, it's a lot of busy work. Did I mention Volume 2 is 40% longer than Volume 1? Not sure how that happened.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Any update on chapters 13 and up? I just finished 12.


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