Re-limiting my Outreach for Quality

So, in an effort to expand my readership to other platforms and also provide my work for free longer on Amazon, I tried a different approach with Chapter 3 of Pneumadiluvians. I've heard from those in the know that a simple trick to get your work posted for free on Kindle (since the lowest price I can list my work at is $0.99) is to publish it with a secondary publisher who allows for free postings, then simply tell Amazon that your work is free elsewhere. So, this month I published through Smashwords which is a great free tool to get your books into other formats. However, they have vastly different timelines. The book was uploaded two days in advance and passed their initial automated reviews, however, it took 4 days to achieve premium status which is required to push the book through to other publishers (Apple, Barnes&Noble,etc), and then the books aren't shipped to the other publishers immediately, and most of them will then take another span of time for review. For a typical novel, I think Smashwords would be a wonderful tool to expand distribution and get your works out there for free. However, I believe a large portion of my success with this serial distribution model will be tied to my consistency and these unpredictable time tables are unknowable.  The Smashwords trick simply won't work for the demanding timelines I work with for Pneumadiluvians.

So, I've pulled the book from the other publisher and it should be free from Nov 18th-20th.

Thank you all for your patience with this. I don't try to hide that fact at all that I still have a lot to learn.



  1. This sort of thing may be viable in the future if you ever find yourself ahead of schedule. Until then, this seems like the best plan. You're right, the most important aspect of delivery is timing.


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