MIL: Genesis 1

I have just applied the last coat of finish to my hand-built kitchen table. I have great plans for the table. I plan to have dinners with my family there. I plan to laugh with my family there. I plan to play games with my family there. I plan to watch my family grow there. Yes, I have great plans for that table. It took many hours of work, more hours than I intended, but it was worth the work if my plans were to be fulfilled. If I had no need of the table, no plans for it, it would not be. I would have never found the last few hours to sand and re-apply additional coats. I would have never found the time to distress the table to have the proper appearance of age. I would have never found the time to put two boards together, much less buy the lumber. But it did all happen, and that was because I had a plan, a purpose for that table.

Five days of labor passed. Matter had first appeared no more than a week ago. It was the beginning, and someone had a plan. Someone had intent, and purpose in mind, intent that served as the engine of their work to a greater purpose beyond the inauguration of matter. On the sixth day, man was created in God’s own image, with purpose.

If the time should come when my dining room table has gone unused, abandoned, and purposeless, then all that table need do is ask me what’s its purpose was. To which I would say, “You are more than wood, screws, and stain, I purposed you to unify my family.” When we feel unused, purposeless, why do we never think to ask our creator?
